Nicola Pedroni (B.Sc. Energy Engineering, 2003; M.Sc. and Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering, 2005 and 2010, all from Politecnico di Milano) is an Associate Professor in Nuclear Power Plants at the Energy Department of Politecnico di Torino (Torino, Italy). Before, he has been a (temporary) Associate Professor at the Eléctricité de France (EDF) Chair “System Science & Energetic Challenge” at École CentraleSupélec, Université Paris-Saclay (Chatenay-Malabry, France) (January 1, 2016-April 1, 2017) and an assistant professor in the same university (March 1, 2013-December 31, 2015). During his Ph.D., he visited the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (September 2008-May 2009). In March 2018, he received the (Italian) National Academic Qualification to be a Full Professor in the Scientific Disciplinary Area of “Thermodynamics and Nuclear Engineering”. In February 2016, he received the (French) Academic Habilitation to Direct the Research in the Scientific Sector “Engineering Informatics, Automatics and Signal Processing” and, in February 2017, the corresponding qualification to be a Full Professor.
His research focuses on the study and development of advanced computational methods for the reliability, safety, risk, vulnerability and resilience analyses of complex, safety-critical engineering systems, in presence of uncertainties; in particular: advanced Monte Carlo simulation methods for efficient reliability estimation; computational methods for the Integrated Deterministic and Probabilistic Safety Assessment of dynamic engineering systems; theories and methods for uncertainty representation and propagation; soft-computing techniques for empirical regression modeling; techniques for solving nonlinear, constrained optimization problems; theories and methods for modeling and simulating the behavior of power transmission networks and interdependent critical infrastructures; statistical techniques and artificial intelligence methods for the prompt (on-line) detection and diagnosis of faults.
He is co-author of 57 papers on international journals, 1 editorial, 32 papers on proceedings of international conferences, 5 chapters in international books and 5 works published as technical reports of international research institutes. He has served as referee more than 20 international journals.