Pierre Dehombreux is a Full Professor and Head of the Laboratory for Machine Design and Production Engineering at the University of Mons. He is the President of the UMONS Research Institute for the Science and Management of Risks.
He graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the Faculté Polytechnique de Mons (Polytech Mons or FPMs) in 1989, where he got his PhD in Applied Sciences in 1995. Assistant in the Department of Theoretical Mechanics, Dynamics and Vibration, his research at that time embraced the numerical simulation of multibody systems and the experimental identification of dynamic solicitations as well.
In 2000, he was appointed in the Department of Machine Design and Production.
He is in charge of the courses of dimensional metrology, machine design (including gears), reliability and maintenance of industrial equipment. Mechanical design projects for engineering students are the core of his teaching activity.
His current research activities are related to the estimation of residual lifetime of industrial equipment, from physics-of-failure models, statistical analysis or degradation measurements, in the perspective of an optimal predictive maintenance policy. He conducted research programs in this field for different industrial contexts (ALSTOM, Arcelor-Mittal, Baxter, CMI, Maintenance Partners, NGK, Telenet, …). He is a reviewer for some scientific journals (International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Journal of Mechanical Engineering …), international conferences (IFAC World Congress, IFAC SafeProcess, IFAC AMEST, CIGI, IEEE IESM, MOSIM, ICEASSM’2017 …) maintenance associations (EFNMS, …), and research agencies (ANR France, Fonds pour la formation à la Recherche dans l’Industrie et dans l’Agriculture, Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Naturelles et en Génie du Canada, …).